Discover Telegram Channels List - Scopri Lista Canali - Liste Tg Kanäle entdecken [Directory / каналы / Canales]
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Discover English Telegram channels with list - Scopri canali Telegram in italiano - Telegram Kanäle auf Deutsch mit Liste entdecken - Découvrez les chaines Telegram en français - найти Telegram каналы на русском языке - Descubre canales de Telegram en esp
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Searching on Telegram is not just typing something and waiting for some miracle results! Be smart, use different strategies to search channels. More infos
A true story happened few months ago. Telegram directories admins are racists. Same identical channels, just with different languages, get rejected and banned with no sense from their directories. Same happens for other channels, made always by the same creator, just about different topics. Few get randomly approved, other get randomly banned. So don't trust Telegram directories and don't think this is an alternative way to find channels. Few directories don't approve any type of channels at all, just those who pay for that.
Telegram Directories are just shit - Diretórios do Telegram são uma merda - Los directorios de Telegram son mierda | Directory
War Channels on Telegram - Canais Canales de guerra en Telegram - Chaînes de guerre - Krieg Kanäle - Военные каналы